
Who We Are

We are business people first … strategy, risk, and process experts second.

Impactful risk advisory requires more than just providing generic advice or sharing best practice answers that address what works in “every” organization. While we are proud to say that our consortia of advisors bring with them a rather long list of relevant credentials and years of consulting experience, what we feel is of equal, if not more value for our clients, are their years of practical experience serving as senior executives and board members dealing day to day with risk in large, complex organizations.

We understand that implementing a strategy successfully requires a comprehensive approach to risk management. We know that it must include the facilitation of consensus and commitment among stakeholders and the consideration of relevant insights brought forward based on practical experience as well as relevant data collected both externally and from within the organization. Risk is almost always more complex and interconnected than it first appears, and we know that our clients appreciate working with advisors who understand this fundamental fact.

No matter what the engagement, we ensure that you have access to the services of our full consortia of deep subject matter experts in the areas of Operations, Finance, Governance, IT Infrastructure, Cyber Security, HR and Culture, Supply Chain and Analytics and Insights, in addition to our fully certified risk and control professionals. Having been there and done that has value.